This blog's for ME

Almost 25 years old, asking my parents if I can sleep in their bed with them. I had thought I was going to be the 25th Prime Minister of Canada. Things had changed. 10 years later, I was still a scared little boy. The time had come to slap myself awake. One Saturday morning, November 19th, 2009, I declared to the world I would be riding my 10 year-old motorcycle from Vancouver, BC Canada to Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, and back.

The official departure was August 28th, 2010. A group of well-wishers saw me off at 8:03 am.

I arrived in Rio de Janeiro around 6 pm March 1st, 2011.

My return to Vancouver came on July 5th, 2011 about 2:00 pm.

Drug & alcohol abuse, ADD, social anxiety, health, chronic pain, night terrors.

So many concerns. But I am far more interested in this question: Do I have the capacity to make this trip despite all my shortcomings?

My mission: To inspire myself to face my fears, enlighten myself on how all living things can peacefully co-exist, enjoy every moment, and see the world as plentiful and generous.

Go ahead. Call me crazy. Call me anything you like.

I'm out to save my world.


Questions, comments, concerns, threats? Contact me:

Don't Do This

We had other captains join us from time to time and this story took the books. A year ago, a gringo found a bunch of cocaine, ended up selling it for $27,000 then hid the money on an island. 3 kunas found out about it, tortured his son to death, then tortured and killed him after finding the location of the money. The bodies were found without any arms or legs and head, and horribly mutilated what was left of it. The Kunas, an indigenous group who own the islands off of Panama, decided to do some ethnic cleansing back in the early 20th century, killing off anyone who was not 100% kuna; moral of the story these guys can be bad ass if they want to. Today, they simply sell amazing artwork, and ask the odd captain to recharge their cell phones (of which we did, and forgot to give it back before heading 4 hours away!)

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