For instance, knowing that the harder you work, the more money your boss, or your company makes from you. Sure, you will often make a bit more yourself, but it's the people above you that make the sizeable returns on your efforts. The higher you go up the food chain, the higher margin you make on the people below you. Now, most people seem to be ok with that, and the ones that don't either quit, start their own business, or stay, finding ways to ignore this commonly accepted knowledge. Non-profit organizations often have boards of directors, who make several thousand dollars for their time and opinions. We accept this as a part of doing business too. If I was the top dog, would I be worried about this? No, not at all. I would justify it somehow. Is it mostly the people at the bottom of the food chain that complain about it? Yes. The reality is, it takes a tremendous amount of work to build a successful company, and if you're not into the work it takes to create it, you have got to work for them. The business is impersonal, with one motive: profit. Anything that undermines profit, must be taken out of the game. It could be argued that most high-profile assassinations happen to those who are a threat to an establishment of some sort. From JFK to Abraham Lincoln, to gang-style murders in Surrey, anyone seen as a menace to the bottom line runs the risk of termination.
What about the Twin Towers collapsing like a perfectly planned demolition, with explosions happening on each floor, and the sound of a bomb going off in the parkade level? The management of the buildings affected were familially linked to George Bush, who, upon hearing the news of the attack, barely raised an eyebrow. It is not my intention to discuss conspiracy theories, as I feel, although interesting, only frustrates me and causes mistrust of my fellow man. I accept people are capable of anything. End of story.
I had also mentioned to him the study completed on suburban competition referred to in Psychology Today. Most individuals, when polled, said they would be happier making $50,000 per year and their neighbour making $40,000 per year, than making $100,000 per year, and their neighbour making $110,000. This hyper-competitiveness rules us, but it doesn't have to. Ask yourself what's really important in your life, and consider that if you have a roof over your head, food on the table, and do not live in fear of being killed every day, you are in the top 10% of people in the world. Just earlier I had received an email from another friend who se
*Name changed
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